Fantastic Mr. Fox
Damn it, Wes Anderson. I liked one of your movies. Are you happy now?
Oh you want more? Well, one thing that makes this film different is that it is stop animation, not live action. Because live action movies about foxes couldn’t be fantastic, like Mr. Fox is. It is quirky and lead by the great George Clooney, who seems to only be in more politically driven movies these days. Nothing wrong with it, but I want my George from O Brother and Men Who Stare at Goats. With that crazy whimsical look in his eyes. Not caring about the government. Leave that to Sean Penn.

I assure you he is not looking at a goat right now.
But the story is based off of a kids book, and does it give it justice! Probably more justice than the book. The story is so interesting, of a fox who cant stop robbing farmers, and coming out of retirement to try the biggest robbery in his life. Okay, so it has some Ocean’s Eleven element to it too. Damn it George, come back! It is hard to explain how good this movie. Thankfully the rating says what you should do. GO WATCH THIS MOVIE.

Damn it, he even has those crazy whimsical eyes as a fox.
4 out of 4.
My favorite Wes Anderson movie by far! I have a soft spot for The Darjeeling Limited and I really love The Royal Tenenbaums. I agree with you in that its hard to explain what makes this movie so good. For me, the script was perfect. I found it so quirky and hilarious. The stop animations was done really well. I’ve never read Roald Dahl’s book, so I can’t speak to how it compares. However, from my experience, most of the movies based off his books tend to do justice to the novels, within reason. At the very least, they are all fairly well made. George Clooney was great, even behind a mic. Somehow, his voice is able to exude this ultra confidant, charming, devil-may-care attitude that is perfect for Mr. Fox.
This is definitely one of my all-time favorites! I’m glad you liked it too, and yeah, there’s not much you can really explain more than you did here. Good job, sir. There really was no point to this comment than to let you know I agree with your rating.