About Me / Contact
My movie collection was already considered bad by some, because I bought anything that looked remotely interesting, even if it turned out bad, and there was a lot of bad. But until recently, I had watched movies on a non consistent basis, maybe one a week, maybe three a day. Depended on the mood.
So I have decided to change that. There are a lot of movies out there, and they all should be seen by me! I don’t care what kind of bad rep it got, or what the critics in the film festivals are saying. I want to judge movies by my eyes and stop assuming everyone else knows more than me.
People tended to ask me if movers were “good or not,” and I never found it that simple. So I started posting the reviews on the Facebook. A friend of mine suggested a website instead, an area where they can all be combined and not lost. Free website domain to share my opinions about movies with whoever? Heck yeah.
I first thought of Movie Review Nerd, as the title. But mrnerd.com was already taken, and I had loved the way it was the initials, and you know, MR. Nerd. Oh well. So I tried to think of a different way to showoff geekiness and movies, while having a simple title.
When I made the tagline “Watching Shitty Movies, So You Don’t Have To”, my mind went to Gorgons/Medusa. Because watching a shitty movie could be like staring at a Gorgon in the eyes. Then I was set! Shortened it to GorgView, because it is easier to type, and bam a website was born.
Right now the best way to contact me is to send me a message on Twitter, or contact me via the form below. I am on Twitter if I am not in a movie or a meeting. @GorgonReviews.
For film makers and PR companies who are looking for places to review their work, the form below is perfect. If you add me to twitter and don’t say anything, I probably won’t even notice.
And of course, you could always comment your rants on here or somewhere else on the website.

Hiiiii, I would very much like to suggest the film “Kick-Ass” for you to review. As I remember, it was shockingly better than I anticipated. But now that I’ve told you that, perhaps it will be a disappointment to you. Either way, please review 🙂
Please review “Freddy Got Fingered.”
Dear Esteemed film critic,
I have read your item regarding the worst films of 2015 and your mention of Douglas Soesbe, who wrote “Boulevard,” which, after some delibaration, you placed last on your list. You also metioned Mr. Soesbe’s TV films in a way that indicates you took issues with those, as well.
I used to be Mr. Soesbe’s landlady. My name is Phyllis O’Reilly, and I’ve been collecting his mail and in charge of his affairs ever since his sudden departure. Apparently, Mr. Soesbe was so vexed by what a young critic wrote about his movie “Boulevard,” he packed all of his things and left for India. It’s my understanding that he has joined an ashram there.
I understand that as he lugged all of his possessions to his car it happened quickly and dramatically. In fact, it happened after a dramatic shout scene, a long walk and acoustic guitars.
Phyllis O’Reilly.
Please review, Then Came You. (Netflix)
Hi I think you’re pretty cool and that your opinions are dope and litty.