Planes: Fire & Rescue
Alright, let’s pretend for an instant that I can give this movie any fair chance. You know it, I know it, I really can’t. I gave the Planes the most zero of zeroes I could give it. It was a strange review, in which I just went over all the scummy ways this movie was released, turned from straight to DVD bullshit to a cash cow thanks to advertisements.
But I digress. After I saw the movie, I realized it was still a 0 and deserved my scorn.
Now we have the sequel. Planes: Fire & Rescue. This should have less bullshit qualities, technically. The third film hasn’t been officially announced, but let’s assume next year too since they can churn these out pretty quickly.
Unfortunately, no other animated movies appear to be coming out soon, so this one will make decent box office as well. Hell, two weeks before it came out it probably already broke even with toys alone.

The sequel with mostly new characters instead of the old ones for obvious reasons.
Set sometime after the events of the first POS, Dusty Crophopper (Dane Cook) is now a big star. He is winning more races, people like him, and everything is going well. But during a routine manuver, something goes wrong! His gearbox is worn down, and he has to keep the vague torque dial below the red zone or else his engine will stop and he will die. [Note. I think they said his torque could go up to 140, but the dial showed 65. The “doctor” said 80% was his max, which was definitely not “112 Torque”.]
What does that mean? That means Dusty can’t race. His dreams that he spent forever getting in the last movie, literally changing out almost every plane part (including a gear box I bet), to do it, are now ruined. So he sulks off like a little bitch, and a fire happens due to his shitty gear box. This is almost a disaster, but it is solved. Too bad the fire inspector deems the fire truck as inept and old, so they shut down their run way. This is bad news when their corn fest (?) is in one week and expecting a big turn out thanks to Dusty.
So Dusty does what he has to do, I guess. He goes to get certified as a fire fighter. This causes him to go to totally not Yellowstone park, to train under Blade Ranger (Ed Harris) and his crew. A girl plane Lil’ Dipper (Julie Bowen), who as the only real female character in the movie is a stalker to Dusty, an older helicopter Windlifter (Wes Studi), who is an incredibly racist caricature of a Naive American, and a bunch of tiny Honka looking bulldozers meant to sell toys.
Anyways, days of training and other bullshit happen. The “plot” comes from the fact that some luxury car (John Michael Higgins) opened up a new lodge in the area and is a dick. Nothing he does makes a lot of sense, but he is our cheap villain/not a villain character. After several days of bullshit training, like a week, CAN DUSTY SAVE THE DAY WHEN FIRE HAPPENS?
A few other voices I recognized included Curtis Armstrong, Hal Holbrook, Jerry Stiller, and Fred Willard.

Just. Just Fuck.
Just a kids movie. World building. Continuity. Bullshit.
I think that is the four ways I’d break down this analysis.
“But it’s just a kids movie!” I don’t know how much I have talked about that before, but that is one of the dummbest things anyone can say. Saying it is just a kids movie, or just a summer flick, is literally like being that kid on the playground who said his made up fighter character had a magical invisible cape that would reflect spells last minute. Bitch, everyone knows that is lie, and does not protect you. Just like a movie being geared towards kids. How can we even say that anymore when we have had dozens of nice “kids” movies that everyone can enjoy and get things out of over the last decade? It literally should have killed that excuse, yet somehow it goes on.
It is the reason we get low budget, cheap CGI, rushed crap, just to sell toys. If you forgot, Planes was last minute pulled from straight-to-DVD status and given a new guy to do the main voice and that was it. This was being made before that even happened. Cheap. Shit. Saying just a kids movies just lets them keep producing this filth.
This movie only creates more problems with the world building of this cars/planes universe crap that they are building. We already knew it was Earth. Sure. This is definitely set in America, with references to California and other states. It is very awkward. They, however, amplified the cars aspect of it all with all the animals being cars as well. In particular, John Deere equipment roamed the forests. What? The fuck?
But that isn’t it. I have talked before how it is all odd that 1) clearly they are made entities and cannot breed out more cars/planes, or 2) are made by other preexisting cars/planes in a factory or something. But the faulty gear box amps it up. The driving factor of the plot. Why not replace it like everything else? Because of course, that gear box is out of production and there is literally nothing they can do. The mechanics can’t fix it because it is complicated and needs factory precision.
So in their world, they have cars/planes making cars/planes parts somehow, and they can stop them knowing full well they are potentially killing hundreds/thousands who rely on that part? That is pretty damn fucked up.
Why do they even need a few people to put out forest fires? I can’t imagine forests having a huge need in a planet without humans. They should just let the mother burn.

Re: rushed project/CGI. There were many fire scenes. All of them were terribly ugly.
In terms of continuity, it is the simple basics they just didn’t care about. Early on we find out that the corn festival is in one week. He then spends almost a whole week in the fire training camp. Then? Then after events, he is knocked out for five days. After that? Yay time for the corn festival. How many fucking days are in a week again?
These minor things add up, showing that the people who wrote it were just pulling shit out of a hat and animating it. Coherence is for suckers. Didn’t Dusty have a girlfriend? She wasn’t in this movie at all.
Bullshit. So much bullshit. The film starts off saying it is dedicating the movie to all the firefighters out there. Aka the people who aren’t in the movie at all, and instead all of the emphasis is placed on their equipment not the men who drive the vehicles. At one point, Dusty worries about going into a cave because they might suffocate. Shit, planes need oxygen now?
The characters are all stereotypes. Including the terrible Windlifter. The plot is taken from 80s action movies without any of the fear. The only issue is his gear box, of which he keeps a secret despite it clearly affecting him quite often. Once it does get brought up, he is told to just get over it. Then he gets over it. Moral? You might have a failing heart, but fuck it, just ignore it.
I watched this movie in a packed theater. The only times the audience laughed in a big unit was during the two fart jokes. Everything else? A few giggles, but mostly silence.
Just think. A third movie is definitely happening. Maybe in the third one, Dusty will get bored of racing and decide he wants to be a frog next?
Devil’s advocate style rebuttal about some of your technical points (please note that I haven’t seen either film and I agree with you that these movies are the shittiest shit to ever be shit out of a butt):
It would make sense for his gearbox to wear down after having raced as hard as he did in the first film (he is a plane not designed to go high speeds for prolonged periods). Even if they upgraded the gearbox, if his exhaust system or the structure of the airflow from engine to exhaust are shit by default design (and not upgradable, as they are basically the airframe), you could probably wear down even a high quality gearbox sooner than expected.
I would have to see the torque dial to be sure, but it is perfectly reasonable to assume that the dial doesn’t actually correspond to the max torque his engine is capable of producing. If they upgraded almost everything on him in the first film, it wouldn’t be all that unusual if they didn’t also upgrade his torque gauge. The torque gauge would simply max out long before he reached his max engine torque. (This happened to a piece of equipment at my work, in which they upgraded a vacuum motor but didn’t upgrade the pressure indicator dial.)
Also, what makes the training look like it takes a week? I’m guessing it was a montage of dialogueless shots, maybe even indicating the passage of time with a sunset or two? But unless you saw a calendar crossing off days or a clock spinning around, I’m not sure you can assume the training was longer than 2-3 days. Maybe the training scenes weren’t even show sequentially and it all happened in one day.
(I agree with your point about kids’ movies: when people use that defense, it’s like they’re saying that they WANT our future generations to be intolerably stupid and thoughtless.)
(I also agree with your point about the bullshit of not being able to replace his gearbox. If they were able to retrofit a cropduster into a racing plane, they should at least be able to modify a common stock gearbox to fit into his engine block. Worst case scenario is that his gear ratios are off and his engine efficiency drops 10-20%. Would be better than starting forest fires. And even if it did require “factory precision” can’t he just go to a factory and have them use their precision? He’s a big celebrity now, right? With fame comes fortune, etc? Or couldn’t he start a “Save Dusty!” charity fund to raise money to get this shit fixed?)
I think it’s presumable that in the Cars/Planes world, the cars and planes are made by robots like the ones that actually make cars and planes. The question still remains, though: do robots make these robots? And what’s the origin of it all? And why are there so many different kinds of cars/planes? Do you ever see two of the same model vehicle? Why wouldn’t they standardize the systems to improve supply chain efficiency and prevent parts from going out of production? Or else why wouldn’t they develop better means of producing parts in small quantities? (Since it seems like they’re all unique, they should have super advanced metal 3D printers, to make any part on command. Boom, problem solved.)
Anyway. Even without humans, you still need forests. You said so yourself earlier in the review that they show John Deeres living in them. So they are some sort of habitat (for lesser vehicles?) at the very least, and they provide wood for fuel and materials (both still useful in this humanless society). Looking through the pictures, it is pretty obvious that they have structures made of wood:
Also it is reasonable for Dusty to worry about the oxygen level in a cave. As you are probably aware, almost all modern non-jet plane engines are gas turbines, which rely on igniting fuel sprayed into a high compression airflow. In an oxygen-poor environment, it becomes extremely difficult to ignite said fuel, which will lead to loss of thrust and eventually stalling.
“But wait,” you say, “Dusty is a propeller-driven plane, he probably has a reciprocating engine!”
Yes, you’re probably right. But reciprocating engines are internal combustion engines, and also require an oxygen-rich environment for ignition of the fuel, especially when the fuel/air mixture is under compression.
“But wait,” you say, “Maybe he has a diesel engine!”
Woah, who the fuck have you been talking to? You think Dusty got some DeltaHawk turbo-supercharged V4 for his race? Well that’s bullshit, you’re bullshit. No one flies diesel and even if he did, it is still a fucking combustion engine and it needs oxygen to operate. So unless Dusty’s got a nuclear or electric engine under the hood, or unless he’s flying some unheard of closed-cycle prototype engine, he needs fresh air, which you might not find in a cave (especially if a plane has been exhausting into it).
While he might have said “suffocate” what that functionally means is his engine would stop running and he would die. So yes, planes need oxygen.