Infinite Storm
Naomi Watts sure likes getting into some shit and coming out alive. Even though we all thought it was impossible, she survived the tsunami in The Impossible. Even though she was miles away, she was able to get a lot of information on a school shooting, recently in The Desperate Hour (which I liked). And now, it looks like she is going to have to survive a giant snow storm on a mountain? Goddamn lady. Stay home, the world is out to get you.
Infinite Storm is an exciting title though. Is it some storm that goes on forever? Like the one on Jupiter?
It is all encompassing storm over all and everything in the world, a long reach like infinity?
Or is it just a cool sounding name for what is a regular blizzard? Who knows!

This is the look of someone who has seen some disasters, and is sick of their shit.
Pam Bales (Naomi Watts) likes mountains. A lot. She climbs them because it helps clear her head, and reflect on life. She knows about all of the skills on the hiking of the mountains. She heard about some storm stuff, but whatever, it is a nice day. And then sure enough, we get some fun blizzard action, whoops.
For awhile, Pam is just struggling to leave the mountain on her own. Does she hear faint screams in the wind and snow? Who knows. She almost gets trapped herself. But then she eventually stumbles across footsteps. Uh oh. That means someone else is out there, in the storm, possibly struggling to survive. It turns out that Pam is so into this mountain climbing, that she is also an official search and rescue climber. So she feels it is her duty to not just escape to safety, but to find that person stuck up there with her, and get them both down safely.
Also starring Billy Howle, Denis O’Hare, Eliot Sumner, Joshua Rollins, and Parker Sawyers.

See? Even when the storm is less stormy, it still looks…well, miserable out there.
This is a real hard movie to like or care about. You know? Like. If the main character went up on the mountain, with the intent of helping out dumber climbers. I know the real issue is that this movie wanted to get the facts right because this is a true story. But when you spend almost the whole movie assuming the main character is a confusing dumbass for her decision making.
I don’t care for her struggles on the mountain, when she could have just not gone on the mountain. I don’t even remember if we ever learn why the other guy went up the mountain. It is hard to care for him as well. This could have been an easy horror movie of man vs nature, and we could have just cheered on the ice storm.
I will admit that I did like one aspect. I didn’t expect that we would have more movie after they made it off of the mountain. I really didn’t. If so, it would have only been a few minutes, if I had to guess. But it was probably a whole third of the film, just her dealing with her life after the traumatic events. And that unexpected ending is what gives it a slight bump in the ratings. It is certainly not a movie I will watch again, but it almost felt like regular straight to DVD trash.